With devils horns on, pumpkin hats attached, Robyn and I were ready for the Halloween party down at the pub. Zane and Adam had decided it was “lame” to dress up so they were attired in their regular clothes. Robyn and I were pretty excited, I mean, we looked awesome. My pumpkin hat was set at a jaunty angle and Robyn looked sweet in her stripes and with her devils tail peeking out from the back of her dress. We were pretty proud of ourselves. Then when we got there we were totally bowled away by the costume talents of our fellow Fernie-ans. There were heaps of the undead, Fred Flinstone, someone in a shark costume, a headless lady who was holding her head in a basket and even a wacky-inflatable-arm-flailing- tube-man from Family Guy.
Wow, we were completely outclassed. But that didn’t stop us having a good time. Well Zane didn’t have a good time-he went home after around an hour as he felt sick. Adam was a bit sad; not only had he lost his wingman, but now he was pretty much the only one not in costume.
The evening progressed and, of course, it came to Jager-Bomb time! We all did the drop and shot and as I lifted the glass up to my lips, I saw Robyn and Adam doing the same. “Great”, I thought, “Robyn and Adam are probably going to down the whole drink and if I don’t too, I’ll be lame and weak”. So down the hatch it went in one quick guzzle. Pleased with my skulling ability I put the glass down on the table with a triumphant whack.... to find another two glasses already down with only a sip taken out of each. In my haste I hadn’t realised that the other two were being a little more leisurely with their beverages. Oh well.
After the Jager Bomb and a few more Captain Morgan’s with ginger ale and lime (my bev of choice) my memory of the evening gets a bit hazy. Luckily (for means of humiliation) Robyn managed to document some of my more elaborate (read epileptic) moves as I carved up the dance floor. There’s even a particularly mortifying photo of me, hmm how do I put this... being quite friendly with the behind of Mr Wacky-Inflatable-Arm-Flailing-Tube-Man. I normally wouldn’t have the gonads to put the said photo up but I figure at least it’s humorous, it gets a laugh out of me every time I see it. Poor Mr Wacky-Inflatable-Arm-Flailing-Tube-Man. So oblivious to my advances. Luckily there’s also a photo of Robyn in a similarly compromising position so at least we can both be shamed together.
Much shameful and promising to be sober forever love
T and Z
This was my favourite costume and the winner of the best costume prize, which was a season ski pass. Epic costume.

Robyn as Devil

Tenille as a Pumpkin

Tenille assaulting Mr Wacky-Inflatable-Arm-Flailing-Tube-Man

Robyn assaulting Mr Wacky-Inflatable-Arm-Flailing-Tube-Man

No hard feelings then eh?

Halloween sure is big overthere.
ReplyDeleteGood to see the girls getting into the swing of things down and dirty with the locals (well local blow-ups anyway)
Great to hear you are all getting jobs, Toots yours sounds go, ski home everyday.
Thanks for the phone call Toots, great to hear your voice. We miss you, Love dad.