Monday, February 21, 2011

Things I love about Canada

Morning sunrises like this....

Watching the snow fall

Warming up in front of a fire

Cable TV – sooo much Family Guy and Criminal Minds

The Fernie Library. I must have chowed through at least 15 books by now, I can’t get enough.

Nice snugly days at home knitting and reading and staying warm

Ribs cooked on the BBQ by master BBQ-er Zane

Lucky Lager (most delicious cheap beer we’ve tried yet)

Being in another country

My awesome job

Getting tips! I’ve accumulated $900 so far! It’s not the minimum $150 a night that some lucky servers or bartenders make, but I’m happy to get the tips I get for doing a job that I really enjoy

Our new friends

$10 Beer and Burger and Bingo Tuesdays

Hockey games

Winter activities... skiing/snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, ice skating (ok so I haven’t actually done many of these, just skiing and one half-day of snowboarding but there’s still time!)

Things I miss about Australia

Friends and family

Pure Blonde beer

Getting ready and leaving the house within 15 minutes of waking up (impossible over here due to the amount of clothing and accessories required to prevent frostbite)

Walking on the beach


Going for a run outside (a near impossibility over here, again due to chances of frostbite)

My teapot


Being paid decent $$$

Things I am looking forward to

Summertime – widely reputed to be more enjoyable than Winter over here and THAT is saying something. I am looking forward to going camping and road-tripping and biking and hiking and enjoying the long days and warm weather.

Getting a car and having the freedom to explore the wide expanse that is Canada. Since arriving in Fernie we haven’t really left, which is fine, but it’ll be nice to go camping and whatnot in the Summer and check out some other mountains next Winter.

Our big South America travels. At this stage we are thinking of staying in Canada until the end of the 2011/2012 Winter season. After that, we will head down to South America for some exploring. I am so excited to travel through and spend a few months absorbing the culture and lifestyle.

All the ice melting so I don’t have to live in fear of slipping over on my ass. It happened the other night and I now have a sore buttock.

On Valentine's Day Zane and I went to the Old Elevator Restaurant, which is pretty much one of the fanciest restaurants in Fernie and it was awesome.

The highlight was definitely the dessert platter. We didn't think we'd be able to eat it all but we managed! The platter had little serves of cheesecake, berry freeform tart, chocolate brownie with chocolate sauce, chocolate semifreddo and FIVE scoops of ice cream! EPIC!

It was nice to get all dressed up and enjoy a romantical evening together.

Lots of Valentine's love, T and Z.

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